Wednesday 31 October 2012

Nature on l'Aquila

The echoes of the l'Aquila case, rather disappearing, are becomen louder. Nature has just published a story on the case that may be of your interest

Many voices have risen asking for joint letters and statements telling the Italian government about their mistake. "GSA should speak" "GeolSoc raise your voice"!.

They are wrong. Communications should be directed to the Italian population, not to their governors/rulers.Italy, like most of countries in Europe, is a democracy where the government and the justice are separated (thanks!), and primer minister don't have, or shouldn't have, a voice in what a judge decides is best.

For that reason, is the people who has to realised that something is very wrong when several scientist are sent to prison for doing their work, which is not looking into a glass ball and predict the future.

1 comment:

  1. I am cool with the page and fine with it being an open page. I only bring it up because there was recently a thread on the page discussing the open nature of the page. During that thread it was pointed out that the church opted not to operate a facebook page and so several congregants began and administer the page. There seemed to be a lot of folks who were surprised or had forgotten that the page was unofficial.

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