Thursday 26 April 2012

Thursday video: The Magic Toilet Paper

Thursday video will be a fixed section in this blog where we will link toYouTube clips (or other sites, of course!) related with tectonics and structural geology. If you want some video displayed here, please feel free to let me know and I will do it.

Let's start with this video from the Structural geology, Tectonics and Geomechanics Research Group of the University of Aachen (Germany). It shows a toilet paper roll being compressed, and behaving like a multilayer. It develops some chevron folds and kink bands, and what it is very interesting, you can do that at home with some DIY skills...

Ladies and gentlemen... "The Magic Toilet Paper"!

You can subscribe to their YouTube channel, or follow them in Twitter. Anyway, you can be sure they will be regularly featured here, as they have been doing for some time very nice and cool stuff.