Tuesday 24 January 2012

Vote for my photobook

Last winter I created a photobook for my dad. He doesn't have a computer, and I thought it would be nice to show him my pictures together with a (not mine!) poem that reflects my thoughts about each photo.


I won the "Best book of March" award, and now I am compiting in the "Best Photobook of the Year 2011" contest. Competition is hard!.

The prizes are a couple of Olympus PEN cameras for the winner and for the runner-up. You know how much I love photography, so... Would you vote for me? :-)

In order to vote...

a) Register at: http://www.bobbooks.co.uk/register.html

b) Vote for me! Just click on "Vote for this book" in  http://www.bobbooks.co.uk/bookshop/users/JorgeGines/visiones-versos-viajes/ . It couldn't be easier!

Bobbooks offers, by the way, an amazing quality, great value for money. Highly recommended, and a great idea for a personal present.

Important note: Let me know if you have voted. I will raffle, if I win, a £50 gift voucher from www.bobbooks.com amongst those voting for me!


Wednesday 11 January 2012

Steno's 374th birthday in Google's doodle

Google dedicates today their doodle to Nicolas Steno, who is considered as the father of geology and stratigraphy. Steno was born in Denmark on a 11th of January, in 1638. Happy 374th birthday, Steno!!

Check www.google.com, or your regional version of Google, and you will see the doodle in action.

Isn't nice to see geology portrait in such a colourful way? I love it!

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Girl with the Cross-section Tattoo

Yesterday, I was looking for an article in the New Scientist website, and I found this another article by chance:  "The best science tattoos and the stories behind them"

What is the first thing you see? A cross-section tattooed on the shoulder of Helen Malanda, a geology postgraduate student.

The tattoo is portraited in the latest book by Carl Zimmer - "Science Ink; Tattoos of the science obsessed". See more about it here and here.

Oh, and happy New Year! This is post 100th, by the way!

(Image by Helen Malanda/Sterling Publishing)