Sunday 2 October 2011

DRT2011 fieldtrips - Photoalbum

DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 1. Porma mélangeDRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 2. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 3. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 4. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 7. Porma mélange..DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 8. Porma mélange.
DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 5. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 10. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 9. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 6. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 12. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 13. Porma mélange.
DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 14. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 15. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 16. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 17. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 18. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 19. Porma mélange.
DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 20. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 21. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Preconference fieldtrip 22. Porma mélange.DRT2011 Post-conference fieldtrip 1. LuarcaDRT2011 Post-conference fieldtrip 2. LuarcaDRT2011 Post-conference fieldtrip 3. Luarca
DRT2011 fieldtrips, a set on Flickr.
A the end of August and beginning of September, I attended the DRT 2011 meeting in Oviedo. This meeting included two fieldtrips, and these are the pictures I took during this great days back home in NW Spain.

I hope you enjoy them. I will be completing slowly their description, but in the meantime, if you have any question about the pictures, just let me know here in this post and I will try to answer your doubts. 

There are nearly 150 pictures, so take it easy!



  1. Great photos. I may be taking geology sometime next semester. What a beautiful science.

  2. Thanks Justina, you are very kind. I love it, as you can imagine. If you need anything, if you want to ask something, just do it!

  3. Great photo set, Jorge!
    Any chance you can e-mail me a full-res copy of this one for teaching structural geology?
    My email

  4. Thanks Callan... picture on its way :)

  5. I like very much yours pictures... They are a good example of the structural analysis in the outcropping.
