OpenStereo has been released under a GNU General Public License v.3. Which means that I can use it in the office for commercial purposes! (and you too). OpenStereo has been developed at the Instituto de Geociências of the Universidade de São Paulo by Carlos H. Grohmann and Ginaldo A. Campanha. It is developed in Python and it is a cross-platform program. For further technical aspects of this work, please read this abstract presented by the developers in the AGU2010 conference:
This piece of software is truly promising, even though being in a beta phase of development (Version 0.1 Beta). Having that in mind, it is recommended to double check results, of course. A beta is a beta, after all. It is very portable, as it can be copied in an external drive and it will work. Good for having it in you work or study memory stick.
I have been testing it, and so far I haven't found any important weak point. Actually, I can only speak wonders of it, especially of its flexibility with its graphic interface. It supports different datasets at the same time, something very useful when comparing structural features in different zones or provinces for the same project. An imporant difference with other programs is that OpenStereo is very easy to use, and absolutely intuitive
It is possible to export the results under several graphic formats (emf, eps, ps, pdf, png, svg) and the quality of those is highly profesional. Take a look to this two examples I have done quickly. Don't you feel like starting to work with it?
Go on, download it and play with it. Probably this nice piece of software will become your favourite one:
(Thanks to Carlos H. Grohmann for his comment, which lead me to this great piece of work)

I have been testing it, and so far I haven't found any important weak point. Actually, I can only speak wonders of it, especially of its flexibility with its graphic interface. It supports different datasets at the same time, something very useful when comparing structural features in different zones or provinces for the same project. An imporant difference with other programs is that OpenStereo is very easy to use, and absolutely intuitive
It is possible to export the results under several graphic formats (emf, eps, ps, pdf, png, svg) and the quality of those is highly profesional. Take a look to this two examples I have done quickly. Don't you feel like starting to work with it?
Go on, download it and play with it. Probably this nice piece of software will become your favourite one:
(Thanks to Carlos H. Grohmann for his comment, which lead me to this great piece of work)
I can't find directions for how to load the data in files. Do you know of any? Thanks.
Hi Greg,
You have to create a txt file with the data. I do not remember if you have to keep the format "78 45" or "78/45".
Make a short test, with two or three measurements. It is very easy.
Thanks for your visit!
It is really a great software
How about this software
I will take a look... but at the moment my pc is falling apart!
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mặc dầu còn hơn một tháng nữa mới đến Tết Nguyên đán 2017 nhưng tại Hà Nội, phổ quát cây đào bích, đào phai đã sớm khoe sắc trên giàn phơi đồ thông minh.
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Là 1 công ty Uy Tín – Đáng Tin Cậy. sở hữu nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực chi phí. Chúng tôi luôn đặt “Lời ích quý khách khi vay tiền lên hàng đầu”. Sau thoáng đãng năm phát triễn nghiên cứu. nhận diện được sự phiền toái và thủ tục rượm rà lúc vay tiền bây giờ. nên chúng tôi đưa ra giải pháp mới phù hợp sở hữu khuynh hướng mới Vay tiền mặt – có tiền nhanh trong ngày.
1. Thủ tục vay đơn thuần nhất hiện giờ
Chỉ nên giấy tờ không buộc phải giám định rườm rà. Bằng tài xế hoặc Hộ khẩu đã vay được tiền.
2. thời gian giải ngân tiền mặt nhanh nhất hiện thời
Cam kết xem xét hồ sơ trong 15 – 30 phút. Giải ngân tiền mặt sau 30 phút – tới 2h trường hợp khiến giấy tờ trước 21H Tối. Chúng tôi cam kết giải quyết trong ngày. ko để tồn sang hôm sau.
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đa số khi số đông nơi. xem xét website. Chúng tôi sẽ mang chuyên viên tham vấn nhiều năm kinh nghiệm hỗ trợ bạn. Bạn không bắt buộc phải đi xa chờ đợi. Chỉ nhu cầu nhấc máy và gọi. Sẽ vay được tiền.
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