Thursday 27 January 2011

GAC-MAC 2011 call for abstracts

(From the Geo-Tectonics list, sent by Cees van Staal)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The abstract submission deadline for GAC-MAC 2011 Meeting in Ottawa (May 25-27, 2011) has been extended to January 31. If you have not had a chance to submit an abstract yet, we encourage you to consider our special session entitled: "Tectonic history of the Appalachian-Caledonian and related orogens". We have received quite a number of abstracts by the original January 15th deadline (over 20) but let's try to increase that number to demonstrate that Appalachian-Caledonide geology is even more important than most of those other special sessions! If you already submitted an abstract, perhaps forward this message to a colleague who might not have done so.
This multi-disciplinary international session is aimed at all aspects of the geological evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian and related mountain belts, including but not limited to establishment of Iapetan oceanic basins, terrane provenance, evolution, accretion, and post-assembly translation. We hope to showcase the tremendous progress that has been made in our understanding of the Appalachian-Caledonian orogen in the past 20 years, and also to emphasize the outstanding problems and the ways in which they can be addressed. Both oral and poster contributions are welcome, as is student participation.
For further details and to submit an abstract please visit:


Sandra Barr, Cees van Staal, John Waldron, Chris White and Alex Zagorevski
Session co-chairs

This special session  has an associated 5 day fieldtrip (starting at 8 am on May 28-ending the late afternoon of June 1st):

The defining tectonic elements of Ganderia by: Cees van Staal, Sandra Barr, Les Fyffe, Susan Johnson, Adrian Park, Chris White, Reg Wilson
The fieldtrip will provide a nearly complete transect through the Ganderia microcontinent, New Brunswick Appalachians. This trip will visit all constituent parts of Ganderia relevant to its Late Neoproterozoic to Devonian tectonic history, which include the Penobscot, Salinic and Acadian orogenic cycles. Elements visited comprise the Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Brookville and New River terranes (Ganderia basement); the late Early Cambrian to Early Ordovician Penobscot arc/backarc complex, the Middle Ordovician Popelogan arc/Tetagouche backarc and Late Ordovician to Late Silurian Salinic Brunswick subduction complex and associated forearc rocks in northern New Brunswick (with the only known blueschists in the Appalachians), the Silurian Fredericton trough and the Silurian coastal arc and Mascarene backarc. The fieldtrip officially begins (pick-up on the 27th) and ends in Fredericton (drop off late afternoon/evening June 1st), New Brunswick. Participants can also fly to Saint John on the 27th
Cees van Staal on behalf of other session co-chairs and co-fieldtrip leaders

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