Thursday 11 November 2010

Geological history of Middle-Earth

I have heard many times about Tolkien fans using their time in learning inexistent languages such as Elvish, but I never heard ever before about geological maps of inexistent lands...

Here and now... The geological history of Middle Earth, by Ben Hilton:

That's dedication and love for an author... And it is good fun to read it if you have 20 minutes.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I have been looking for just this - knowing, surely, someone must have done it - for two years now. I teach an introductory Geology course and have been looking for such an analysis of Middle Earth for my students. This is FANTASTIC. You are awesome!

  2. Thank you for your commment. I think I saw once, in the 90's, a geological map much more elaborated than the sketch included in the paper. But who knows where!
    Welcome, and thanks for your visit!

  3. I had a historical geology class from Robert Sloan during the summer of 79. Part of the take home exam was explaining the geologic history of middle earth... Don't know if he still is around or anyone has a copy.
    Uof Mn

  4. Our petrology course's term project is a detailed analysis of the history of Middle Earth. The professor even provided slides and chemical data to help make our maps. I had thought someone in our department had invented this years ago but I guess it's not so original after all!

  5. The paper is not an explanation of the geologic history of Middle-earth, but rather it is a paper using Middle-earth as a way to explain the data a professor has provided. Cannot be used in conjunction with Reynolds (1974) and Sarjeant (1992). In fact, this paper does not even reference the previous work done on the region.

  6. Thanks for the tip. However, I wouldn't take seriously ANY paper on the geology of the Middle-Earth ;-)

  7. In my undergraduate Structural Geology course, our final project involved taking a detailed geologic map of Middle Earth and making cross sections through various areas of the map. We then had to write a paper explaining the geologic history. I thought it was pretty cool. :)

  8. hey guys, i study geology in the university and the other day i decided to look up something about Geology of the Middle Earth.
    I've tried to get a hold of the paper but I can't.... Can someone send me the paper? As a LOTR fan and geology student, I'd love to read it.
    If someone can send it to me to the following e-mail it would be fucking fantastic!

  9. It is very inspiring when someone describes such things.
