Saturday 27 February 2010

Link of the month: Ron Schott's blog

I have decided to create a series of monthly posts/awards (...) in this blog where I will comment on blogs, websites and Twitters that I find both interesting and useful. I actually think I can find once a month a really good site. If I don't, or I just forget about it... well... Just let me know candidates!

So, here it goes the winner of February'10:

Ron Schott's website

Do you want to keep informed about what is going on in geology?
Do you want several updates a day?
Would you like to find interesting links about our favourite science?

If you have answer YES to at least one of the previous three questions, then you are interested in the blog and TWITTER of Ron Schott. Ron won last week (in an impressive couple of hours period) the "Where on (Google) Earth #187" that Dan suggested here, in (Dan was sooo dissapointed... but his next image will be hard to find...)

If you don't know Ron, he is Assistant Professor of Geology at Fort Hays State University. Well, you better visit his personal website and you can find out more about him:

His blog is great, by the way.

And, if you use twitter, you will just love his feeds:

By the way, Ron is an active user of the game "What on Google Earth". The "Schott rule", as you can imagine, is named after him. No wonder why... grrrr. And his last WOGE, number 188, is still waiting for your answer!!


  1. How much did he paid you?

  2. A few dips and strikes. What do you think?

  3. hi!

    Sorry to hijack this, but the newest WoGE #189 is just up.

  4. Oh no, you are welcome to post whatever you want :) and congratulations for winning the WOGE 188!!

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